Dear students of the faculty of Physics and technology!

News & Events

Competition in mini-football

On May 1, 2018, a mini-football competition among teaching stuff and students of the International Department of Nuclear Physics, New Materials and Technologies was held on the Sports grounds of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
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Implementation of Erasmus + projects at the Department of «Space Technics and Technology»

So, on April 23, 2018 the solemn opening of Erasmus + APPLE project laboratories (audience 811), Coordinator Professor Kerimbai N.N. and Erasmus + DOCMEN (audience 801), Coordinator Professor Yergaliyev D.S. as well as the TETRO office of the Erasmus + APPLE project (audience 817) and the Erasmus + APPLE project (audience 817) took place on April 23, 2018 at the Department of Space Technics and Technology of the Faculty of Physics and Technology office of MicSO (audience 818) of the International Project Erasmus + DOCMEN.
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