The faculty trains specialists on a three-level system:
- on the basis of higher education (bachelor's degree, 4-year course) in the following specialties:
• 6В05304 - Physics (natural sciences);
• 6В05305 - Nuclear physics (the term of training is 5 years);
• 6B06219 - Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications;
• 6В05323 - Technical Physics;
• 6В07146 - Space equipment and technology;
• 6В01510 - Physics teacher training
Three international scientific and educational programs are being implemented at the faculty: ERASMUS++DOCMEN "Development of a two-level innovation program in microelectronic engineering"; ERASMUS+APPLE "Applied curriculum for the development of outer space and intelligent robotic systems"; TEMPUS SESREMO "Strengthening of education in space based on remote sensing for monitoring of ecological systems in Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan" (Department of Space equipment and Technology).