The faculty trains specialists on a three-level system:
- on the basis of postgraduate education (magistracy, 1,5 and 2 years) in the following specialties:
• 7М05304 - Physics (natural sciences);
• 7М05305 - Nuclear physics;
• 7М06219 - Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications;
• 7М05323 - Technical Physics;
• 7М07140 - Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials;
• 7М07146 - Space equipment and technology;
• 7М01510 - Physics teacher training
1.1 Opening of new specialties, development of new educational programs.
In 2016-2017 academic year, two new educational programs were developed:
1. Educational program "Innovative infocommunication technologies" for the specialty 6M071900 - "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" (1.5 years);
2. Educational program "Space robotics and mechatronics" for the specialty 6M074600 - "Space equipment and technology" (1.5 and 2 years).
1.2 Number of joint educational programs being implemented