During the period from 18 to 19 February, the starting conference on the educational project "Development of a two-level innovation program in microelectronic engineering" DOCMEN was held on the basis of the Krakow University of Technology (Poland).
Training of the teachers of the department "Space technology and technology" within the framework of the international project Erasmus + DOCMEN
The order of the international project Erasmus ++ DOCMAN, 2018y
Monitoring meeting project Erasmus + DOCMAN Almaty on June 26-27, 2018
The order of the international project Erasmus++ DOCMAN,2016y
The order of the international project Erasmus++ DOCMAN,2017y
The catalog of disciplines on the educational program "Space microelectronics" within the framework of the international project Erasmus ++ DOCMEN specialty 5B074600 "Space technology and technology" for students admission for the 2018-2019 academic year
The catalog of disciplines on the educational program "Microelectronic engineering of space technology and technology" within the framework of the international project Erasmus ++ DOCMEN specialty 6M074600 "Space technology and technology" for undergraduates of admission for the 2018-2019 academic year
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Specialty: 6M074600 - "Space technology and technology" for the educational program "Microelectronic engineering of space technology and technology" within the framework of the international project Erasmus ++ DOCMEN
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Specialty: 5B074600 "Space technology and technologies" on the educational program "Space microelectronics" within the framework of the international project Erasmus ++ DOCMEN
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 6M074600 - "Space technology and technologies"
The catalog of disciplines on the educational program "Space technology and technologies" for undergraduates of admission for the 2018-2019 academic year
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 5B074600 "Space technology and technologies"
Professor Haridim Moti from the Israeli Technical Institute will deliver a lecture on the International program ERAZMUS + Docmen on 16-17 October at the ENU "Space Technology and Technology" Department
Teachers of the department "Space technology and technology" participated in the coordination meeting of the Erasmus + DOCMEN project in Italy
Agreement "DOCMEN - Plus" 1
Agreement "DOCMEN - Plus" 2
Agreement "DOCMEN - Plus" 3
Agreement "DOCMEN - Plus" 4
Agreement "DOCMEN - Plus" 5
Agreement "DOCMEN - Plus" 6
On October 16-17, 2018, a seminar was held at the Eurasian National University named after LNGumilyov by Prof. Motti Haridim, a professor at the Holon Institute of Technology (Israel).
Expert opinion
Export opinion 2
Educational and methodical complex of AERO 52102 "Microprocessors and microprocessors"
In the period from May 2 to May 4, 2019, the final conference on the international research and educational program Erasmus + DOCMEN “Development of two cycle innovative curricula in microelectronic engineering” was held at the Krakow University of Technology.
Agenda FINAL CONFERENCE Cracow University of Technology Erasmus+ DOCMEN
Certificate of attendance
Publication # 1
Invoices for receiving equipment
Scientific internship in Bulgaria
Meeting in Yerevan
Published article at the international Symposium in PENZA-2018
DOCMEN project implementation report
Institutional visit: Project Information Sheet
Working curriculum: Optical systems for remote sensing of the earth
Celestial mechanics for a space mission
Working curriculum:Current problems of modern electronics and nanoelectronics
A review of the OP
MicSO office creation order
Minutes of the meeting of project representatives
Certificate of attendance 26/01/2016
Participation of students, undergraduates and faculty of the Department of Ktit in the International Symposium
Work plan of the microelectronic engineering services office (MicSO)
MicSo Order
The first in the history of the Department "Space engineering and technology" passing a comprehensive exam students in the Educational program "Microelectronic ingineria of space technique and technology"