Dear students of the faculty of Physics and technology!

Teachers and students of the FTF had a single hour on the theme “Academic honesty”

On April 28, 2018, the Department of Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in Astana at the Physical and Technical Faculty among academic groups in the Physics and Technology Faculty among young people at the Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilyov was held an hour with the participation of students of faculty .

The rules of adherence to academic integrity of students, teaching staff and employees of the Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilyov are drawn up in accordance with the charter, the development strategy of the university. In the process of learning, the instructions of academic integrity determine the rights and obligations of members of the university community, determine the types of violations of activities on academic integrity and discipline.

The course was told about the rights and obligations of students, teachers and the measures applied in case of offenses. At the end of the presentation a survey was conducted. Students showed interest and actively answered the questions posed. A discussion on this topic was held among students and teachers.