Infrastructure and material-technical base
For realization of educational programs 5В074600 "Space technique and technology" "6М074600 - Space technique and technology" the department has a material and technical base. The structure, composition and quantity of technical resources of laboratories is determined by the mandatory provision of quality educational process and all other processes and statutory activities of the university in accordance with state compulsory standards of specialties, working curricula, curricula, other documentation.
The branches of the department are created in JSC "NCITC" and JSC "NC Kazakhstan karysh Sapary ".
The total space of the department Space technology and technology, as well as fixed offices and classrooms located in building №5, is 635.3 sq.m. The premises correspond to the current sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions of their operation, and meet the requirements of fire safety norms and rules.
In the process of training, 9 training laboratories with a total area of 429.3 square meters (801-802,803-804,808,809-810,811-812,817,818,819,820), offices for the teaching staff (805), as well as the audience and the laboratory of service departments are involved. The premises are equipped with modern educational furniture, traditional and multimedia boards, projectors, modern personal computers.
In general, the training area used in the process of teaching the educational programs fully complies with the sanitary and fire regulations, normative indicators established by the State Educational Establishment of the Republic of Kazakhstan 5.03.009-2006 "Educational and material assets of higher educational institutions". The available areas, owned by the RSE "Eurasian National University named after. L.N. Gumilyov ", operational management of auditor and laboratory bases, training rooms, allow to ensure the implementation of curricula and programs provided by the State Educational Establishment.
At the department 6М074600- Space technique and technology in the school year 2015-16 there are 9 training laboratories:
1. Laboratory complex of pilot production of robotic devices and input control of components-801-804aud.
2. Laboratory of monitoring the trajectory of spacecraft - 808 aud.
3. Laboratory of pilot production and testing of engineering models of electronic components, modules and onboard systems МКА - 809-812 aud.
4. Laboratory for tracking space vehicles-817 aud.
5. Laboratory of reception and processing of satellite imagery-818 aud.
6. Laboratory for the design and construction of space vehicles-819 aud.
Laboratory equipment and computer technology is widely used in the educational process, namely, in the conduct of laboratory classes in the disciplines of OP "6M074600 - Space technique and technology", as well as NIRM in the framework of scientific projects.
№ 818 lab. room, Reception and processing of satellite images
№ 804 lab. room, Laboratory complex pilot production of robotic devices and the input control components
Hand manipulator with wire
Six-axis robotic manipulator with an open control interface, a 2.2 meter diameter coverage and the ability to raise 4.5kg (10 lb), control the closed-loop position at all 6 joints. All joints are ready if you select a command from the microcontroller or from the radio. All connections use absolute feedback. It is best suited for applications where the manipulator arm will be under the control of a computer and where the computer will send a command for each joint to go to a specific position and of course will hold this position.
№ 817 lab. room, Ground station for spacecraft tracking
№ 809 lab. room, Laboratory of small spacecraft
№ 808 lab. room The laboratory, monitoring the trajectory of space devices
№ 801, room Laboratory complex of pilot production of robotic devices and input control of components